Saturday, August 8, 2009


It will show how out of the Blogoverse I have been in the past that it has only been today that I finally made the long overdue trip over to Cecilia at Closeted Pastor to see how she was doing. "But," I mused, "something is different." With the keen powers of discernment honed at Bryn Mawr College, I determined that her blog was no longer called "Closeted Pastor." Now it was called [Un] Closeted Pastor. Hmm...

Gloriosky, Hallelujah!

So I proceeded to read the wonderful story.

I am so happy for you and Beloved.

I will change my link accordingly.


Cecilia said...

Thank you for the good wishes friend! It's been quite a ride. It all started on Ash Wednesday... those pesky daily lectionary readings! It is such a gift and a relief.

Pax, C. (and Mags... as you may have discerned)

Diane M. Roth said...

I rejoice as well, that you are back. good to see you (or read you).