We're not exactly sure what is wrong, but the vet (The Shabazz-Man) thinks it may be bladder cancer. Sneakaround has always been plagued by bladder infections, but lately it has gotten worse. We have tried antibiotics and steroids and anti-spasmodic medicine...nothing seems to help. But he seems in good spirits and he's not in pain that we can tell--his quality of life is still good. But soon we may have to make a difficult decision.
I've never loved any cat this much--Sneakaround is special. Dog-like in his affections, a real people-lover. He sits next to me as I type, purring away. Hi ssoft snoring on the couch is the most comforting sound in the world. He is about 13 years old as far as we can tell-he and his brother Bertie Wooster were brought to us by Jean the Cat Lady when I was still in graduate school at Bryn Mawr. He's already been through at least nine lives--operations for ear tumors, a needle in the throat, the infections that have landed him in the pet hospital more than once...and has yet he has always kept his good humor.
I asked Cassandra, the vet's assistant, if the Shabazz-man ever made house calls to give the last necessary medicine--I don't want Sneakaround's last minutes to be in the vet's office, but at home with us. She said that he would for his favorite clients. I hope we will know when the right time will be. Until then I try to give him extra love and special food. He has his own place to sleep when he wants to get some time away from the other cats.
I don't even like thinking about it, but the visit by the Shabazz-man is the last bit of loving care we can give him.
My prayers are with you and Sneakaround Jones - Lulu is sitting on the desk next to me as I type this, and I'm sure she'd add her purry prayers as well. Let us know how it goes, won't you?
Love & blessings
Oh, big prayers... he's such a handsome fellow. May you be strong as you have to deal with whatever happens and may you feel the support of all of us who love our creatures.
He is handsome, isn't he? and just so affectionate. He's more of a dog than Grendel is in some ways! And he loves to give headbutts.
Thank you. I'll keep you posted. I do love him so.
Oh Avie...he's beautiful!
It's so heartbreaking to love, isn't it? But what else can we do?
Hugs and prayers to you and ALL your furry friends, but especially to Sneakaround Jones, who has obviously brought so much love and joy into your world.
Prayers, heartaches, tears and lots & lots & lots of love to you all.
To be alive - really alive, not simply eating, breathing, and watching TV commercials - means to know love and all the tears and laughter love brings.
And being alive means you never really die: a cat who looked remarkably like Sneakaround taught me that; and a couple of very special dogs confirmed it.
Keep us all posted - we'll be remembering you.
Sorry to hear about Sneakabout Jone's condition, and sorry that I was unable to check in while in Fresno. I arrived around 6:00pm and left at 6:00am the next morning to attend a meeting with ++KJS.
Prayers from Maggie the Peke and all my kitty friends and I for Sneakabout Jones and you.
So Far, So Good--Sneakaround Jones is hanging on!
God willing, he will live for a few more months. Thank you for your thoughts. All good dogs and cats deserve prayers.
"All good dogs and cats deserve prayers." Absolutely! And even the little stoats and things need 'em.
Praise God Sneakaround Jones is still with you - may he grant you and SJ lots more time together.
Mike, Jan, Figgy & Lulu
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