Monday, June 30, 2008

We have a winner!

Brian R. wins a bottle of gravy from Grendel for guessing that Aghaveagh is in the Loire Valley, France.

Here is the latest castle pic:

I think I have gained five pounds on Brie and pate, not to mention red wine. My liver is groaning audibly...

The dollar is so low now that if it weren't for the friends we are mooching off of (staying in their 17th-century farmhouse and helping them with renovations) there would be no way to afford it on professorial stipendage...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Where in the World is Aghaveagh? Another hint.

OK, Fran and Padre Mickey, guess! (Other clues will come. If by chance another person happens upon this blog, you can guess too!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kidanpped by Pirates!!!

Well, not really.

But I did fall behind in blogging about Vietnam, so I have to catch up.

But guess where I am now?? Not Vietnam, and not the USA.

Here is a hint:

And I have not had Internet or phone access for almost two weeks, so I have been out of the loop in American news. Anything I should know??

And poor Grendel may never get to blog again, because I have the computer...

But he has a wonderful graduate student staying with him, who reports that he has almost become a Real Dog!! (and they hang out together at the Starbucks in the Tower District)